My review on this amazing book

The setting of the book 

The setting of the book mostly pertains around the Fire Nation. Kyoshi starts in the dirty outer ring of Ba Sing Se while trying to find criminals. I know they don’t have many locations, but they put so much detail in to all the places! My rating for this is 9/10

The Characters

This book has many characters, from Kyoshi to her friends and allies. Another piece of information is during kyoshi’s time, there were different Fire clans. There is an air nomad who is kyoshi’s helper. His name is Jinpa. Jinpa has a sky bison named Ying Yong. Next we have Rangi, kyoshi’s love interest. She is a stead fast, strong fire bender, that will never back down from a fight. Third character is the Fire lord, Zoryu. Zoryu is not really the Fire lord that handles politics, but is really funny. character on the list is Zoryu’s adopted older brother, Chaijin. Chaijin wants the title Fire Lord because he will give perks to the clan he was born into. 5th character is Rangi’s mother, Hei Ran. She is a carring bender who is also strict. The 6th and final character is the master water bender, Atuat. She is a really great healer who helped Hei Ran get better. The characters are very interesting and funny so I rate this 10/10

The Story

The story starts off as Kyoshi beats a bunch of criminals and they are being sent to prison by the police. She sees the earth kingdom police are also capturing poor families of Ba Sing Se. She stops the police and orders them only to capture the daofei (Criminals). She then goes home where she starts to rest and recover from her wounds. Jinpa arrives with a red letter from the Fire lord. He says Kyoshi is needed at the Fire Nation for a celebration and the crops aren’t getting crop bugs on them meaning something is wrong at the Fire Nation farms. She agrees to help Zoryu and Jinpa and her set off. Whilst flying on Ying Yong, she hears avatar Kuruk’s voice telling her something, but she cant make into out. She passes out and starts to fall off the bison, but Jinpa saves Kyoshi using skill and speed. When they arrive at the Fire Nation, they meet Rangi at the front gate of the towering fire palace. Kyoshi and Rangi hug and Jinpa introduces himself. Rangi says to Kyoshi there is a way to meet the Fire Lord in the celebration party. Kyoshi should move slowly towards the Fire lord and mingle with the people she bumps into. There is another tradition says a high class citizen will introduce a person from a lower class. One last rule is there is a way to touch people which means there are certain places that cannot be touched (head, body, face, etc.). They walk through the hall way and see the Avatar Seitzu’s past items. They continue on and get ready for the party. When they get to the party and everyone swarms Jinpa because all of the citizens have never seen an air bender. Meanwhile Kyoshi sees the Fire lord and walks towards him. She greets him, but it turns out it’s Chaijin, who is wearing an imitation of Zoryu’s party outfit! Kyoshi runs to the Fire lord to protect him from Chaijin. Chaijin instead of following the customs, completely ignores them and pats Zoryu on the back leading to everyone gasping, and instead of reprimanding Chaijin, Zoryu let’s him go. This shows Zoryu isn’t a strong a strong acting Fire lord. After the party they all head to the Fire sage that can help her contact Kuruk. After meeting the sage, she is able to contact kuruk now. Kyoshi then gets a hunch that Chaijin has been sabotaging the crops of the Fire nation harvest. After that, they set off back to the Fire Nation to help Zoryu find out if his brother and his clan are sabotaging. After they gather the Fire Nation citizens, Zoryu gives a speech in saying Chaijin had been sabotaging everything from the party, sabotaging the crops, and to flat out making Zoryu look bad! They charge him with treason and everyone agrees Chaijin and his clan are traitors. They put  Chaijin and his clan in Prison and everything in the Fire Nation changes. Zoryu had seen a change in the crops and all people began to like Zoryu as the Fire Lord. There is a plot twist at the end, but I don’t wanna spoil it so you have to read it.

My Final Score

The Rise of Kyoshi is an awesome book and I really recommend it to any and all Avatar The Last Airbender so they can fully understand Kyoshi. My Score for this book is 100/100. Thank you for reading my blog.